Ross Fenning's Digital Garden

Mocking Data Only

There are a variety of arguments out there around the most effective approaches to software testing. We have unit tests, functional tests, smoke tests, property tests, integration tests, regression tests, end-to-end tests, user acceptance tests and many more. Many of these terms overlap and clearly a combination of these approaches is required to get a true picture of whether our software is working as intended.

We need isolated "unit tests" to give rapid feedback as to whether our functions or algorithms are correct and whether edge cases are effectively covered. However, these tests do not prove that the various components assemble together to provide a cohesive, working application. This is where end-to-end or acceptance tests come in. These are usually more holistic, but come at a cost in that the feedback loop can be far slower given the need to compile every component and stage the application somewhere. For example, a mobile app might need the latest iteration installed across multiple mobile devices and then tested by hand.

I want to focus today on the area of unit testing, particularly in modern software development where we commonly pull in multiple third party libraries to do as much heavy lifting as possible. I believe this has a lot of impact on how we think about unit testing today and we might need to update our patterns and beliefs.

Specifically, I want to talk about the practice of mocking (or stubbing) in unit tests and whether approaches to date even make sense in the current software engineering landscape.

First, we must briefly look at how the composition of a modern software application has changed over the last two to three decades.

A little (personal) history

I personally started out with Java, PHP, Delphi and bits of Python and JavaScript around the turn of the century (something like 1998 to 2002 for this period and I am not counting learning BASIC as a child around 1992). This brought me to these ecosystems later than some engineers older than me, but notably early enough to experience writing simple code projects with no package managers, no build "tools" and no Github.

For PHP, there was no composer to download packages and I got by with a zip file download of PHP and Apache HTTPD on Windows 98 (later XP) using only the PHP standard library. For help, I had an offline copy of the documentation since dial-up Internet took long enough to get the zip files.

For JavaScript, you could easily observe code on other websites to learn the language (minification was rare) and, again, a simple text editor like Notepad was enough and you can test HTML and JavaScript in a browser locally quite easily with file:///c:/My Documents/...

For Java, I wrote code in a text editor (even in Notepad) and used javac to compile "*.java". It was some years later before I would even use Ant, let alone Maven.

In fact, I acquired the JDK for the first time by being handed a pack of four Java CDs at a University open day. Across these CDs were the JDK, other esoteric tools and offlne copies of the Javadocs for the Sun Java standard library.

Why am I telling you all this? It's to paint a picture of how downloading libraries from Github or package repositories is as easy as breathing today, but there was a time when downloading a useful JAR or JavaScript file was something you did by hand, so therefore did ad hoc and less often. And I believe it shaped the composition of our code bases.

The rise of library use

I came to the industry a little after this period, but early enough to work on do medium-sized Java web applications (Apache Struts) where a significant percentage of the overall code was written by me. I (and many other people) did not yet have a culture of trying to download a third party library for every little "already-solved" problem.

It's not as if I was implementing from machine code up to a full HTTP stack though. The Java standard library is doing a significant amount of heavy lifting, the JVM is abstracting the OS system calls away from me and frameworks like Apache Struts, the Servlet API (and Tomcat), etc. probably end up marginalising my code to a small percentage of the overall application. This is the "standing on the shoulders of giants" that is crucial for the software industry to move forwards year on year.

However, note that I can just about name all the platforms, frameworks and libraries in a single sentence. In contrast to that, if I print out the dependency tree of a more recent Java project, I see hundreds of packages. It's also a running joke in some circles that the node_modules directory in a typical Node.js project can fill your hard disk. It's not quite that extreme, but I have one project where the node_modules directory totals over 600MB!

Another Node.js project I work on professionally has merely 100MB in its node_modules, but that space is taken up by 590 dependencies. This is certainly no longer a list I can recall from memory. Notably, it's also a list where -- on inspection -- I do not even recognise some of the libraries I have supposedly downloaded that are supposedly necessary for my application to run (this is likely not to be true, but that's a whole other topic).

Why did this change?

The turning point as far as I can see was the moment we automated dependency resolution.

For Java projects in the 1990s, you might be willing to downloading a JAR file for a useful library and put it on your CLASSPATH and compile against it. If that library then had other dependencies, then you have to track them down and put those on the CLASSPATH too. This clearly dissuades library developers from having too many dependencies (otherwise the library is too difficult to use) and encourages application developers to solve simple problems themselves rather than search for a library.

I had similar experience with JavaScript around the year 2000 in that I was happy to download the odd library like jQuery and sometimes another library (jQuery UI being one of them) would itself depend on jQuery, but downloading two JavaScript files and writing two <script> tags into my page was not too difficult.

With Java, Maven changed the cost-benefit ratio of library usage. Today, it would be surprising to see people scatter their code with helper functions for strings or dates when we have Apache Commons, Jodatime, etc. For really difficult domains like time and date manipulation, this is really important as you're delegating (and centralising) effort to cover all the edge cases and domain expertise. But for a simple helper that checks both if a string is null or an empty string at once, this might seem less important, but we bring in Apache Commons anyway as it's almost as cheap as copy-pasting the solutions.

How does this affect our code?

I think there are two crucial changes this effects in modernising software development:

Allow me to expand a little on both of these.

Smaller code bases

The most extreme example I can think of where I have built very powerful services with very little code has been when I worked in messsage-based integration projects with ActiveMQ and Apache Camel.

For those who have not used it, Apache Camel is a full implementation of Enterprise Integration Patterns in that it provides all the building blocks for reading data from a variety of sources (IMAP, HTTP, ActiveMQ, AWS S3/SNS, etc.), manipulating each chunk or "message" of data (transformation, filtering splitting into smaller chunks, aggregating into bigger chunks) and then sending that data to some destination (again, IMAP, HTTP endpoint, etc.).

The main logic of your message-routing application is defined in an implementation of their RouteBuilder that is essentially a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) run once at start-up as configuration and now you have a full application capable of solving a business problem, potentially having only written the one Java class. This is because of how much comes out of the box with Apache Camel.

Combine this with Spring and a Servlet container like Tomcat and with perhaps only two configuration files (either in Java or XML) you can have a web service that does something useful.

Another example is the Django framework in the Python world. Those that use the framework refer to it has having "batteries included" due to the amount that it does out of the box. From a simple project skeleton you can have working authentication, a database set up and a full admin interface that lets you manipulate any data models you later define. In fact, the admin interface is so mature and polished that many agencies and freelancers simply skin it nicely and present to clients as the back end inteface for all web apps or web sites they build.

The Django community likes to build and share "apps" for reuse within the framework, so if I have a need for e.g. some ability to have people rate or vote on some object in my database (for example, voting up and down articles they like/dislike), then I have an app I can pull in and mainly glue into my main project.

I think it's clear that you can make very powerful applications today with very small amounts of code. I will cover how this affects unit testing shortly.

Quantity vs. quality of dependencies

Not only is it cheap to add dependencies to a project and quick to download them, but it is also cheap to publish packages today.

A natural effect of this is that we have a long tail of libraries that work fine for our use cases, but are lower in quality than very mature frameworks.

This is not a comment on the ability of competence of individual programmers. It is true that less experienced programmers can publish a useful package as part of their learning, but even very skilled developers might quickly wrap up some business logic in a nice package, but not have the time nor incentive to work out all the edge cases or ensure full test coverage.

Perhaps this is a shift from big libraries being backed by large companies to individuals being able to compete by fully writing, publishing and maintaining a useful package all without help.

Note that also these individuals are so empowered to publish useful open source code because they themselves can pull in dependencies and build value on top of other people's work.

And so the cycle continues and I end up with a project with 590 Node.js dependencies. In fact, it seems that this effect is exaggerated in newer ecosystems like Node.js. There is a combined effect of multiple people publishing solutions to the same problem rather than use each other's code (how many implementations of promises are there?) and a culture of pathologically preferring reuse via packages even for simple problems (see: left-pad or isarray).

This reduction in average quality of packages combined with our own code shrinking with respect to the amount of code reused I believe requires us to rethink traditional wisdom around unit testing.

Unit testing: conventional wisdom

The principle behind "unit" testing is that you are trying to test only a single function, class or module at a time. The advantage of this is that the moment you introduce a bug to a particular block of code, the tests for that block -- and only the tests for that block -- fail immediately and you know your most recent change must be the one at fault.

In contrast integration testing might cover two or more components working together and therefore any test failures indicate potential fault in either component (or both). Conventional wisdom tells us the failure is harder to pinpoint in this case, so it is better to have a unit test fail before we get to that point.